A fungal foray @ Headlands

Headlands in Shackleford, 10 October 2022

Jackie and David S kindly invited Sara and me to have a walk around their private woodland in Shackleford. They have a lovely garden with quite a large area of woodland attached. As well as a large number of fungi there were interesting features scattered around and a couple of times we were fooled by some little fungi sculptures strategically placed to blend in. There was so much to see and the time went by only too quickly we only managed to see half of the area. Hopefully, we’ll be able to go back and see the other half another time.

Here are some of the photos I took, followed by Sara’s list of what we found.

Common gilled mushrooms and allies

Phylum: Basidiomycota – Class: Agaricomycetes – Order: Agaricales

Bonnets (Family: Mycenaceae)

Inkcaps and brittlegills (Family: Psathyrellaceae)

Other common gilled mushrooms and allies (Order: Agaricales)

The rest

Sara’s list of fungi found:

  1. Boletus chrysenteron — Red cracking Bolete
  2. Hebeloma sp. — One of the Poison Pie species
  3. Mycena inclinataClustered Bonnet
  4. Fistulina hepaticaBeefsteak Fungus
  5. Mycena arcangelianaAngel’s Bonnet
  6. Hypholoma fasciculare — Sulphur Tuft
  7. Trametes versicolor — Turkey Tail
  8. Calocera pallidospathulataPale Stagshorn
  9. Crepidotus variabilis — Variable Oysterling
  10. Parasola sp. (Possibly auricoma which likes woodchips, but there are several lookalikes)
  11. Marasmius hudsonii — Holly Parachute
  12. Trochila ilicina — Holly Speckle
  13. Stereum hirsutum — Hairy Curtain Crust
  14. Myxarium nucleatum — Crystal Brain (small jelly fungus found on the fallen wood of broadleaved trees, especially sycamore. Exidia thuretiana (a lookalike) is found on broadleaved trees, particularly Beech and Ash
  15. Mycena haematopusBurgundydrop Bonnet
  16. Leratomyces ceresRedlead Roundhead
  17. Mycena galericulataCommon Bonnet
  18. Volvariella gloiocephalaStubble Rosegill
  19. Peziza vesiculosa Blistered Cup (not entirely sure of this one)
  20. Byssomerulius corium — Netted Crust
  21. Pluteus salicinus — Willow Shield
  22. Chlorophyllum rhacodesShaggy Parasol
  23. Chondrostereum purpureum — Silver Leaf Fungus
  24. Mycena acicula — Orange Bonnet
  25. Psathyrella piluliformisCommon Stump Brittlegill
  26. Coprinellus micaceusGlistening Ink Cap
  27. Megacollybia platyphyllaWhite-laced Toughshank
  28. Mycena polygrammaGrooved Bonnet
  29. Ganoderma australe — Southern Bracket
  30. Stereum subtomentosumYellowing Curtain Crust
  31. Stereum gausapatumBleeding Oak Crust
  32. Mycena pelianthinum Black Edge Bonnet
  33. Pluteus cervinusDeer Shield
  34. Pleurotus cornucopiae — Branching Oyster
  35. Laetiporus sulphureus — Chicken of the Woods
  36. Psathyrella corrugisRed edge Brittlestem
  37. Marasmius epiphyllus — Leaf parachute
  38. Rhodotus palmatusWrinkled Peach
  39. Coprinopsis atramentariaCommon Inkcap
  40. Gymnopus fusipes — Spindleshank
  41. Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca — False Chanterelle
  42. Lactarius subdulcis — Mild Milkcap (under Beech)
  43. Russula ionochlora — Oilslick Brittlegill
  44. Simocybe centunculus — Dingy Twiglet
  45. Tubaria furfuracea — Scurfy Twiglet

We also found a couple of slime moulds (Protozoans). The first one was white and is probably Trichia varia. This is usually yellow but some start white and then turn yellow. The second one was most probably Leocarpus fragilis, but there are look-a-likes…

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