The fox snoozing in my garden was a real lucky shot. Moose (elk) are quite common in Norway but I had never seen one until my summer holiday in Norway with the boys in 2010. Since then I have seen a few more culminating with some really close views during my Yellowstone trip. Most of the photos are taken in the wild but a few are from various nature conservation centres. To see more information and other similar species go to the Mammals section under classification of life.
Oreamnos americanus
Mountain goats (mother and kids) at Beartooth Pass (Wyoming) – August 2017
Cervus elaphus
Male red deer at Bushy Park, London – October 2017
Alces alces
Moose – in Moose, Wyoming, August 2017
Odocoileus hemionus
Mule deer – Yellowstone National Park – August 2017
Artiodactyla americana
Pronghorn in Yellowstone National Park – August 2017
Canis latrans
Coyote – Grand Teton National Park, August 2017
Vulpes vulpes fulvus
American red fox – Yellowstone National Park, August 2017
European badger (M. meles)
RSPB Guildford Speyside Orkney Trip, June 2017 – taken June 4, 2017
What a cutie – back at the ‘Grosbeak’ cafe
What a cooperative chipmunk
Have you found a bear? No it’s a pika
I love all kinds of reptiles, especially lizards, and have seen some great ones on my travels. You can see a selection below. Some of these have yet to be identified.
Blue iguana (Cyclura lewisi)
Blue iguana (Cyclura lewisi)
Grand Cayman, January 2009
Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)
Costa Rica with Heatherley Spring 2015
Collared Tree Lizard / tree runner (plica plica)
Below the verandah at Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad – April 2019
Gold tegu lizard (Tupinambis teguixin)
Below verandah at Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad – April 2019
Green basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons)
Costa Rica with Heatherley Spring 2015
Anolis sagrei, Brown Anole
– on Grand Cayman, January 2009
American crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus)
Tarcoles River, Costa Rica – March 2015
Spectacled Caiman and two sea turtles
Fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper)
Walking in the Carara forest we found this Fer-de-lance snake – Costa Rica, March 2015
In the summer there are lots of lizards sunning themselves on the boardwalks at Thursley Common. I have also seen adders and slowworms there. [Photos to come…]
Toads and frogs [more to come…]
Cane Toad (Rhinella marina)
At Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago – Spring 2019