Wild World
I love being out in the countryside and am lucky enough to live close to some lovely places like Thursley Nature Reserve. Together with Hankley and Frensham Commons this huge area is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
I am a member of my local Guildford RSPB Group and I also take part in various other nature-related walks and other activities. Whilst out and about I often take photos of things that I see. As I have been trying to label the various wildlife photograph I have taken I have found I want to know more and to organise them in some sort of scientific order. This has led to my Classification project.
I have separated the Wild World section loosely into birds, beasts, beasties, plants, and fungi with a selection of photos in each. I also have a travel blog where photos from my wildlife trips can be found.
I am also working on creating a list of some of my local walks, including route maps.