I have seen some fantastic birds both at home and on my travels. I love watching birds but I am still not that good at identifying them. I am an active member of RSPB Guildford & District Local Group where there are plenty of people to help identify things. When out walking I sometimes try to photograph birds but I find they are often too far away and don’t sit still long enough for me to get a good photo. Most of my photos are taken during special wildlife holidays. I have separated them into Europe & the rest of the world (mostly the Americas). Go to the list of bird families to see specific bird species.
UK & Europe
These are mostly taken in Scotland or on the continent during special wildlife holidays. Here is a selection.
Western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)
RSPB Guildford Group Holiday to Speyside, Scotland – May 2013
Eurasian dotterel (Charadrius morinellus)
Cairngorms- RSPB Guildford trip to Speyside and Orkney, June 2017
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax)
Finmark, Norway – Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan – Spring 2018
Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)
Shetland with Mike Grimshaw – June 2012
Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Stromness, Orkney – RSPB Guildford trip to Speyside and Orkney, June 2017
Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)
At the cafe near Ivalo, Finland – Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan – Spring 2018
Long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) on the icy lake
Finmark, Norway – Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan – Spring 2018
Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)
RSPB Guildford trip to Extremadura, Spain – Autumn 2018
Northern hawk-owl (Surnia ulula) on it’s nest
Finland – Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan – Spring 2018
World Wide
My first introduction to exotic birds was during my trip to Costa Rica. Since then I have seen more in the US and most recently Trinidad & Tobago where I saw many familiar birds from my Costa Rica trip. Here is a selection.
Ruby-topaz Hummingbird (male)
At Adventure Farm and Nature Reserve, Tobago – April 2019
Great Black Hawk
Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve
Common Potoo
Walk to Highland Waterfall, Tobago – April 2019
Tufted Coquette
By our cabin at Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad – April 2019
Guianan Trogon
Along drive at Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad – April 2019
Pied Water Tyrant
On lakes off Churchill Roosevelt Hwy, on the way to Caroni Swamp, Trinidad – April 2019
Greater Yellowlegs
Near Orange Valley Fish Market, Trinidad – April 2019
Scarlet Macaw
On Blanchisseuse beach, Trinidad – April 2019
Yellow-rumped Cacique
In a tree on the outskirts of San Rafael, Trinidad – April 2019
White-necked Jacobin
From verandah at Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad – April 2019