Flowers & Plants

I am a member of RHS and enjoy visiting their garden at Wisley. David was the gardener though, I just enjoy looking. I also often see interesting flowers when I am out on my walks and sometimes take a photo with the intention of identifying it later. Going out with my U3A groups I am slowly learning to identify a few more each year.

Wild plants in the UK

Here are some flowers seen on a couple of the U3A ‘Plants: talks and walks’ group outing. Sadly this group is no longer running.

A selection of the flowers we found on our trip to Pagham.

A selection of flowers found during a U3A trip to Old Winchester Hill, June 2018
The plants are, from top left to right:

  1. Crosswort, Cruciata laevipes
  2. Black horehound, Ballota nigra
  3. Common burdock, Arctium minus
  4. Fragrant orchid, Gymnadenia conopsea
  5. Yellow rattle, Rhinanthus minor
  6. Round-headed rampion, Phyteuma orbiculare (center image)
  7. Pyramidal orchid, Anacamptis pyramidalis
  8. Greater knapweed, Centaurea scabiosa
  9. Thyme, Thymus Sp.
  10. Rough hawkbit, Leontodon hispidus (with hoverfly)
  11. Goat’s beard, Tragopogon pratensis
  12. White bryony, Bryonia dioica
  13. Welted thistle, Carduus crispus

Wild plants around the world

Here is a selection of flowers, mostly from Trinidad and Tobago apart from the first one, from the USA. I have yet to identify most of these.

Selection of flowers from the Americas